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Weight Loss Success at Vibrocise

Weight Loss Success at Vibrocise

I joined Vibrocise in September 2015 and have enjoyed every session.  Having suffered with back problems for many years, any exercise has always made my back feel worse rather than help.  The Programme U follow is helping strengthen the core muscles which has made a big difference to my back.


Kara and her team are really friendly and always on hand to help if required or make suggestions.  There is an interest in what you're doing and guidance on posture.  I like the fact that there are different programmes for different areas of the body depending on where you want to work.  I would recommend Vibrocise to anyone!


I have lost half a stone and 3% body fat. 

Lesley Monk

Client Testimonials

We have a passion for working with clients of all ages, body types and abilities to help them achieve their fitness, weight or health goals. Here are what some of them say about Vibrocise...

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I've been attending Vibro sessions and classes for over a year. The pain in my legs and feet went within the first four weeks.


I've lost 1 stone 11 pounds and 3% body fat. I am very happy with the results.

Mark Bracey

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My body shape changed massively within 6 weeks & I have lots more energy, my tummy is flatter & the best thing about it is that it only takes 20 minutes!


I’ve dropped 1 dress size, 12lbs and 5 % body fat since starting Vibrocise & Herbalife 10 weeks ago.

Lorraine Morton

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I have been coming to Vibro for about 18 months. Aside from it being a friendly, comfortable environment the classes are fun & without a doubt help with toning, weight loss & general well being, far better than any gym!


Herbalife is so easy & convenient & has given me more energy.

Beth Booth


I can't do impact exercise anymore but this has really benefitted my knees & they don't stiffen up like they used to.


It gives you motivation & it’s so quick & easier than the gym so I am able to keep it up regularly. I am more toned especially around tummy.  The weekly weigh in helps keep you on track with what your eating.


I lost half a stone in the first 3 weeks of Vibrocise, along with Herbalife shakes.

Trudy Leaver

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I've been coming to Vibrocise for 3 years. I like how quick it takes & you can fit it in to your daily routine easily. I noticed toning very quickly especially around the arms & legs, I look so much nicer when I wear a skirt now. Cellulite has improved massively.


I Feel stronger in my core & upper body. The classes are fun & give it some variety with cardiovascular exercises. It’s always a nice atmosphere & helps me feel motivated & in a better mood especially if I've had a bad day at work.

Nina Griffiths

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Vibrocise is so much more personal than the gym, you get one to one support & Kara pushes you within your ability. It helps relieve stress & makes me feel happier in myself.   After having 3 children, I feel more toned and fitter now than I ever have.


I would never have done this or kept to it, if it meant spending an hour in the gym – fitting 20 minute sessions in with a busy job and family life, is perfect.

Sharon Herniman

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After having babies, Vibrocise has helped me to rebuild my confidence, sanity & health. Regaining any level of fitness was beyond daunting & the thought of going to the gym was incredibly intimidating.


Kara’s friendly & enthusiastic approach, combined with the small, quiet studio & 20 minute sessions has meant I can actually time manage exercise into my manic day & actually achieve something for myself – A gigantic breakthrough”!           


I lost 1 stone and 3.5% body fat using Vibrocise.   

Kate Webster

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I started Vibro 6 months ago after gaining baby weight a few years previously & I had started to hate how I looked. After just 5 weeks I’d lost 9lbs & gone down a dress size!


I am a lot stronger & happier and feel like I’m starting to get back to the old me. The Herbalife shake has given me more energy. The support you get from Kara is fantastic, she really takes time to help you, I love it!


I have also lost 17Ibs, 7% body fat, 5 inches from my waist and 5 inches from my thighs.

Lisa Smith


I’m 67 years old suffered with hip pain for 8 months. I have been to the Dr, chiropractors, physio & had scans to which they can’t find anything wrong.


When I started at Vibro I loved it, I was pain free almost straight away! I can honestly say it has really helped. Before this I was unable to walk or stand for long, but now I am able to do all this & much more!Thank you Vibro for giving me my life back! 


Plus I’ve lost; 7lbs, 3 inches around my waist, 2% body fat & dropped a dress size! 

Eve Elms

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I’ve been coming to Vibrocise for almost 3 years, within weeks I noticed I could move my joints much easier & my walking had improved, especially up & down stairs. My fitness was getting back to what it was like before I retired.


In the last 6 months I’ve worked harder & focussed more on my diet. Regular sessions have helped me to keep on track. Kara encourages me to focus on what I can achieve & help keep a positive outlook especially when I’ve been stuck on a plateau. Weekly weigh in’s have really helped to monitor my progress & encouragement to continually improve my fitness levels.


The support from Kara & “the team” have been great. Many thanks to Kara & my friends at Vibrocise“


I have lost 2 stone and 7% body fat so far.

Sue Fortune

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After 2 years Vibrocise still continues to be part of my daily routine. I love how convenient it is & I can fit it in first thing in the morning where as I wouldn't be able to fit anything else in with my busy lifestyle. It's improved my life physically and mentally along with using the Herbalife products.


The most wonderful thing is how it’s been tailored to me & I've been able to build up slowly with regular programme updates to address my more stubborn areas and get great results. Everyone's noticed how defined my legs & bum now are & Kara is friendly & awesome which really helps".


I have lost 2 stone and 10% body fat.

Rita Swan

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Before starting Vibrocise 6 months ago I couldn’t crouch down without my knees hurting, now I can crouch down no problem & hold the full squat position easily. Herbalife has given me a boost of energy, it’s the easiest & most convenient way I’ve ever lost weight.


Within weeks of starting both I noticed a change to my body shape, I am much more toned now.


The best bit about Vibrocise is VibroCircuits, it’s very intense but only 30 minutes & very effective”


I lost 2 stone, 2 dress sizes and 7% body fat

Gill Smith


MONDAY: 7.30am-11am / 4pm-7.30pm

TUESDAY: 8am-10.30am / 5pm-7pm

WEDNESDAY: 7.30am-11am / 4pm-7.30pm

THURSDAY: 12pm-1.30pm / 5pm-7pm

FRIDAY: 7.30am-11am / 12pm-1.30pm

SATURDAY: 8am-11am


Vibrocise Studios Bristol

1E Overnhill Road


BS16 5DN

Tel: 07531 009371


© Vibrocise Studios Bristol Ltd

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